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Buying on AliveAdvisor Marketplace

Buy Anywhere, Anytime

Come join the AliveAdvisors’ global marketplace for an excellent buying experience. Whether it is B2B or B2C the Alive Advisor platform is fully evolved. The AliveAdvisor marketplace can have a huge impact on the future success of your business.

The buying procedure on our platform is pretty simple and backed by authentic real-time data. Data effectively refers to the sum of every touch-point, engagement, thought, or feeling that occurs. It is designed to better your B2B buying experience.

Streamlined service with connected data

Connected data plays an important role in creating a better buying experience. It streamlines the service and enables businesses to buy and sell more. Just offering killer products isn’t enough to survive global competition. You need more to attract, engage and retain your eCommerce customers. The AliveAdvisor platform delivers a valuable experience for both buyers and sellers. A great buyer experience eventually delivers loyalty, customer retention, and lifetime value for the seller.

The Buying Process

It includes everything as the buyer moves from status quo to engagement, where a purchase is the final step. When the buying process is not simply just a few steps it is likely that the buyer feels frustrated. In such a scenario the seller is likely to lose a customer for good and latch on to a competitor instead. Buyer experience at the AliveAdvisor platform is open for analysis and optimization.

The Total Experience

Buying and selling is a complicated process but you have everything under your control at the AliveAdvisor platform. Irrespective of the industry you are in, the buying process and experience almost follow the same pattern. This includes the entire experience the buyer has to undergo while making a purchase. The total experience consists of several elements from the buyers’ point of view, including the information they consume, to interactions they go through during the buying process.

Keep in mind that most buyers are voracious consumers of information and view it as the currency to buy a product or service. The buyer experience should be able to satisfy their desires, needs, wants, and fears. They also need to be motivated as a sense of community. If your brand image is properly emphasized, be assured that you could outperform other competitors. A positive online buying experience is an asset without which businesses will not be able to succeed on a global platform, However, the type of information you provide enables buyers to make the final decision.

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