EnviroMonitor Gateway (US, LTE)

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Sold By: DavisInstruments
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  • Require a one-time hardware activation fee and an Annual Service Plan (Subscribe in the EnviroMonitor app during installation.).
  • Collects all essential data from EnviroMonitor Nodes and pushes it securely to the Cloud server via LTE cellular connectivity.
  • Access your data on your phone, tablet and computer on WeatherLink.com, WeatherLink mobile app and the ag-focused Mobilize app, 24/7.
  • Add up to 32 Nodes with up to four sensors each and any cabled Vantage Pro2 sensor suite; choose from 100+ Davis and third-party sensors.
  • 5-watt solar panel provides ample power; rechargeable 6-volt provides backup.
  • On WeatherLink.com, set alarms and email notification for high and low weather conditions.
  • Self-contained in a weather-resistant shelter that protects electronics.


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