Market of insect powder products is growing rapidly and demand for controlled ingredient is high. Our unique scalable technology allows to produce high-quality ecological and sustainable protein powder in large quantities as alternative to existing animal protein.
Technology is standardized and controlled by our own software which has been built inhouse and takes into account the knowledge gained over the years about insect breeding and its various capabilities. Software is self-learning and uses AI to make better suggestions and decisions, that are based on the historical data, that we gather from all of our farms. That is the key differentiator and helps our clients to come the most efficient insect breeders in the world.
Our technology will produce zero waste and following circle-economy principles – using green residues from local green product industries as a source and will be powered by renewable energy. All production leftovers will be used as an organic fertiliser. Therefore rearing insects has more than hundred times smaller ecological footprint compared with common farming.
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