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Sold By: Creditsky


Creditsky is not just a data analytics software, Creditsky is people, risk free decisions and a helping hand when choosing your future partners. Here are just a few reasons to

Instant Analysis

Due to the Elcano Model, we can offer you an instant credit analysis thus stopping you from loosing any time waiting in line for the reports.

Online Interaction

Owing to the Creditsky operating mode, all the interaction is on line, which saves you a lot of time.

Detailed Reports

Creditsky reports are not containing only the limit and the credit scoring. They offer other information such as the turnover, gross and net revenue, debts, employees’ number etc.

Market Research

Avoid the difficulty of choosing your future partners using the complex Creditsky reports. You have now the possibility to choose the perfect companies for your business.


Creditsky clients can choose also the funding through our factoring platform. Visit Invoicecash for more information concerning your financing.

Data Accuracy

Creditsky reports have up to 98% accuracy, with a very competitive low price. We are able to offer these services because of the use of machine learning algorithms which facilitate the process.

take Critsky into consideration.


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